Chorley Athletic and Triathlon Club logo



Membership is open to all people from 6 years old; although some ages may have waiting lists due to popularity.

To become a member, an account with Membermojo must be setup and active.

An annual fee is charged in order to cover UKA fees and contribute to training, equipment and membership of some leagues.

New members (in any category) joining after 31st December in any year must pay full annual rate, but will receive MEMBERSHIP UNTIL THE MARCH OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR (I.E. 15 MONTHS MEMBERSHIP IF YOU JOIN IN JANUARY).

New MemberMojo Link
If you are already a member you can access your account through the link below.

Existing MemberMojo Link


Annual membership subscriptions for 2024/25 are due from 1st April 2024 and must be paid by 15th June please. However the membermojo database is set up to deal with renewals from the beginning of March if you’re super organised you can get it done and out of the way now!

Every existing member will be receiving a renewal reminder email containing the link for renewing online.

Your membership for 2024/25 will only begin when I have received both the online renewal and the subscriptions.

As agreed at the 2019 AGM, all active qualified coaches and coaching assistants at the club will pay £0 membership in recognition of their commitment to the club (though you still need to renew on Membermojo).

Juniors Under 11
on 31st August 2024 (up to and including school Year 5)
The minimum age is 6 at the discretion of the coaches and availability of sessions. There are restrictions on the sessions which the younger members can attend.
Junior are required to pay monhtly training fees - see Junior Training Fees.
Juniors 11 to 16
on 31st August 2024 (if your athlete is School Year 6 they move into this category as they will be 11 by 31st August 2024)
For ages 11 to 16 years
Junior are required to pay monhtly training fees - see Junior Training Fees.
For members aged 17 and over who are in full time education or unwaged.
For members aged 17 and over who are not entitled to Concessionary, Honorary or Volunteer / Coaching membership subscription rates.
Second Claim
For members aged 17 and over who run first claim for another club and are registered with England Athletics under that other club’s name.
Junior (Tri) Second Claim
For members aged under 17 who are registered with England Athletics under another club but who train with Chorley for British Triathlon Federation activities i.e. swimming and/or cycling.
Junior Associate
For members aged under 17 who are registered with England Athletics under another club but who train with Chorley for UKA activities (e.g. T&F, throws).
Chorley Cycling Club Associate
For any member of Chorley Cycling Club aged 17 or over who wishes to attend sessions at Chorley (note: for any competition for Chorley, they have to be a full member of Chorley).
For non-competing members who give significant time commitment to the club. For ALL qualified active club coaches/coaching assistants. Such membership is agreed on an individual basis by the Management Committee.
Honorary Life Membership may be conferred on any member by the membership at a vote at the AGM where they feel that such a member has earned this status by their support and contribution to the club.
When you renew the system prompts the Membership Secretary to calculate and email you personal family amount. If unsure please contact the Membership Secretary.
Includes 1 or 2 parent/guardian(s) and their children under the age of 17, if any. Cost is total EA reg fees(£19) + £35 family member fee. Reg fees apply to members over the age of 11 on 31/08/2024. Examples-
Dad/Mum/2 juniors aged 11-16 on 31/08/2024. Cost £35 for family + £19x 4 for each athlete=£111.00 total.

Dad/Mum 1 junior aged 11-16 on 31/08/2024, 1 junior under 11 on 31/08/2024. Cost £35 for family + £19x3, as the £19 EA fee not payable for Under 11 athletes = £92 total.

Dad/Mum and 1 junior aged under 11 on 31.08.2024. Cost £35 for family + £19 x 2, as the EA fee not payable for under 11 athletes = £73 total.

New this year you can pay by stripe or online through our membermojo system.

You can pay by, bank transfer. We can accept a cheque if you cannot do online banking-(only in exceptional circumstances- please email for details.)


If you wish to pay by bank transfer the details are as follows:

Bank name: Natwest
Account name: Chorley Athletic and Triathlon Club
Sort code: 01-05-14
Account number: 37207830

You MUST provide a reference of the member’s surname when processing the payment.

Cheques should made out to 'Chorley Athletic & Triathlon Club' and posted to the Membership Scretary.

You can also pay by standing order – forms are available on the website and will also be circulated by email. The standing order form needs to be returned to your bank, not to me.

Please indicate on your membership form how much you are paying and which method of payment you are using.

If you have any queries please get in touch as soon as possible on the email address above.

Some training sessions maybe chargeable, as venue hiring needs to be paid for. Seniors will pay cash (usually £2), but a new standing order scheme is now in place for juniors.

Club Kit

The club has an extensive range of clothing that is available for purchase by members. Kit is not normally stocked, but is purchased in batches twice per year. A kit ordering window will be opened just before the new batch is to be ordered. Very often kit can be viewed and tried on during specially arranged evenings.

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